"Adopting a Child won't change the world; but for that Child the world will change."

Monday, 31 January 2011

Pool Pics

Ok... so we don't have a "real" pool! Its a little tiny kiddie pool - but its still gets Tiny wet, and thats all that matters?!! This pic is just showing you Tiny's awesome stlye! I love this get-up!! :)
And just because...

I wanted to share another real cool thing I found today! Its a "renamer"!! Type in your name and it'll spit out a new one for you!!! :) The first name was Alima Holly - then next one was AVATARI Emily?!!! Weird hey! I put in my husbands name, and one of the names was Baker Willie - his grandfathers nickname was Willie - another weird coincidence?!!! It was heaps of fun... just goes to show how little "real fun" I get, if I think that renaming myself is fun?!!!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Nearly two years?!

Can you believe its been almost 2 years since we brought our baby home?!!!!!! I CAN'T!!!!! Far out!!! The last two years have zipped by so fast. Our baby has changed incredibly. I've just finished making a scrapbooking kit to celebrate Chinese adoption - and will release it on 12 Feb 2011... marking two years of being a complete family, with our 3 beautiful children - the icing on the cake - our Chinese beauty!

She's only just started showing interest in China. We read alot of chinese adoption story books, and books about China, and I always say "Tiny was born in China". Now, if anyone mentions China she says "My China." very defiantly, as if someone is going to take HER China away!!! She's precious!

It hasn't been all rainbows and lollypops though - as with any toddler, she has "tried it on", tested the boundaries and thrown some whopper tanties! She has just worked out that she can annoy H-Man and get a fantastic reaction from him... so the whole school holidays, has been one big scream-fest at our house! Argh. I can honestly say, that having a third child in the family, really does add a massive new dynamic. Friends had told me, 2 is good - 3 kinda tips the scales! Please don't think I'm whining about our daughter - I'M NOT! We absolutely love her to bits, and certainly wouldn't have our family any other way - but my friend was right. Tiny niggles at H-Man, H-Man yells at Tiny, Miss M yells at H-Man to stop yelling at Tiny. Its very frustrating!!! The toilet training has suddenly reversed to wet pants everyday, and a very careless attitude about it. I don't get it?! She has been dry during the day, for about a year?!!!But, as with any "phase", that I've seen my older two children go through - I know this will pass - and eventually, it'll be easy sailing again (not sure when that will be... maybe when Tiny turns 30?!!)

I've said all this, to give a big "I feel ya" cyber hug to any of my friends out there, who are going through similar things, and want you to know - you are never alone.

13 Feb 2009 - Our first full day with our gorgeous girl. Man! She was SO AMAZING!

Today - Tiny chases the sheep!

A couple of weeks ago...

Wearing the beautiful dress that Rachael made for our daughter... years before we even knew her! She is finally big enough to wear 18 month old clothing!!! (did I mention, she's 3 1/2 years old?!!!!)

Jumping on her bed... thought this was a great pic, as it captures her name in the background! :)

Man, we love her. There is no doubt about God's goodness in our family. We have 3 perfectly healthy, wonderfuly children.