Well, Sunday came and went, and I even forgot the significance of the day!!! It marked 5 months, exactly since we first laid eyes and hands on our sweet baby girl. Geez - FIVE months?! It seriously feels like an eternity ago (even though, I just said, this year is flying!!!) Little Miss Tari Mei is a pea in our pod. We had an interview with a head master the other day, we introduced our children, oldest to youngest. With great enthusiasm, he knelt in front of Tari and said "this little one is obviously adopted, which country is she from?" (turns out, his youngest child was adopted from Taiwan) - but I had to stop and think "Is it REALLY that obvious, that she's adopted?"!!!!!! I know, I laugh about - because apparently she looks very asian?!!! I CAN'T SEE IT!!! I keep looking at her, trying to see how chinese she is - but all I see is my funny girl laughing back at me!!!
Its like people telling you (when you're waiting for your precious child of your dreams) - "she'll be worth the wait". When she's not in your arms - that statement is no comfort and makes no sense. People told me, that our daughter wouldn't be "our adopted daughter" - she'd just be Tari, your third child. I couldn't possibly realise the magnitude of this statement, until our daughter was living in our house... BEING our third child.
Life is good. Unbelievably good. Tari is more than the child of my dreams - I could never have dreamed how wonderful this little girl is. And how fulfilled I could be. Oh yeah... VERY important news... Tari finally has enough hair for it to sit down flat!!!! And what does a Mummy do, when her daughter's hair is long enough to sit flat? Put it up in a tiny pony tail of course!!! (you can just see it in the 12 July photo!)
I'm sorry I don't get to "pop in" to as many blogs (and certainly not as often), as I'd like - but I think of you all often. Are the Salsa twins baking cookies? Wondering how Harlow is? I bet Bri is such a grown up little lady now. Hope Emma's health is on the improve. I wonder how many words Claire is saying now? Is Ava sleeping well? Is Abby at the park? Is Alice enjoying winter holidays with her siblings? I wonder how Delilah's toilet training is going? Is Oliver crawling faster than ever? Is Hannah at School? How long has Alyzabeth An's hair gotten? What are Naomi & Zoe up to? Is Eme loving her new family and home? Is Olivia visiting her farm? I wonder how Maisie's gymnastics is going? What's Elena up to? Is Maddie watching football? Are Aly & Lili singing? Has Tate had a haircut yet?!! Bet Adam & Jeane are doing something crazy with their brothers and sisters!! Lordie! I bet Gracie is just huge now?! I think of Tess everytime Tari wears one of her gooorgeous outfits. Is Julia in school yet? Bet Lana is blitzing her class (or is she still on holidays?!)
Then my thoughts turn to my beloved cyber-friends, who are yet to see their beautiful children. To Doris, Catherine, Krista, Stacey, Heather, Kim, Tonginnator's Mum, Fliss (geeeez... I shouldn't name names... I'm sure to have forgotten someone?!!) Ladies - I'm thinking of you all. Keep the faith... even if by a thread... one that thread will bind you so tight - to someone beyond your wildest expectations.
To Emily's family - YAY!!! You finally meet!!! (in China now)
And lastly, to those special families, who are in that "limbo" stage - of holding that precious photo... yet waiting to actually reach out and touch their blessing. To the Bouton Brood, Kris & Garth, Debbie & Shane, Amalia's family... hugs to you - I am thinking of you!
And Finally (yes... I'm practicing to be a Preacher?!!!), in closing...
Here's a snapshot (or 10!) of the last couple of months
What a lovely post. Thanks for thinking of all of us... we ARE hanging in there. And it is so, so good to see Tari Mei's hair in piggy tails. Yeah!
Awesome post Ozimum, very well done! I love that you had to stop and think when someone noticed Tari was adopted..I can totally picture me doing that with Jazmyn someday. I love that Tari can wear a pokie tail now! Too fun!
Day 35 waiting for LSC! This part of the wait is so different from the rest....you nailed it when you said Limbo.....and yes a picture just isn't enough, I wanna hold her! ;O)
Hugz and blessings!
Thanks for the updates!
Lee-Anne! She is just getting cuter by the month! And I dont think she looks adopted either. She looks just like you!!!
BEAUTIFUL post.. you are truly amazing girly..
Happy 5 months..
Keep us updated.. love how Tari has blossomed in just 5 months..
love ya girly..
Awww, this was a fantastic post!!! Tari gets more beautiful every day! I love the "rules the roost" photo because it is totally true. ;)
Bri is definitely growing up so fast. I just did a post a few days ago about how I am not ready for her to grow up yet. :) She is still my little hurricane, but I am absolutely in love with my little hurricane!
Awwwww, your girl is getting so big!! How can it be FIVE months already?? I guess time DOES fly when you're having fun....And it looks like that's what you're doing!!
BTW, Ava is sleeping VERY well! =)
WOW time is flying!! JUST got that GORGEOUS book from you last week... and that beautiful scrap art card that we LOVE... but WOW that book- Garth and I are IN LOVE with it~!!! SO many gifts to post. Not sure you saw my post a while back thanking you for the LOVELY clothes you sent too- the monkeys~!! ADORABLE! We thanked you on the blog and will do so again with the book!!
Here's to 5 months together~!! Can't believe how time is flying- love all the pics, your kids are so adorable, even your little Chinese one (yes, she IS chinese!)-- if you get a chance, SEE Adopted: The Movie. It will forever change your perspective on HOW you see her :O)
I hope I never stop seeing my girl as Chinese or that i work very hard at remembering to see her as CHinese. That movie changed a lot for me....
So nice to hear from you again! YOu rock! :-)
Adam and Jeane are indeed always into SOMETHING with their siblings. It can't be helped. THey're Tuiningas. :-)
What a WONDERFUL post!! It is hard to believe it has been five months already - then on the other hand it seems like Tari has been with you for longer. :o)
LOVE the pictures. I especially like the one of you and Tari. You look FANTASTIC!!
Five months ! Wow where does the time go! Gorgeous piccies honey your little girl is just blossoming . Cannot wait for our girls to meet when you come up to Brisvegas.
OUr girl had her first piggy tails the other day toooooo cute and she actually kept them inand didn't rip them out straight away. I feel a need to go out and buy hair bows and cute bands.
5 months? Has it really been that long? I guess time does continue to pass quickly... even though there are days it doesn't seem to.
Tari looks happy. Just beautiful and smiling. Does my heart good to see all of you who are home already. Helps keep my faith strong. Someday I'll know this wait is worth it. :)
It has been a while since dropping by but for me I feel life is just crazy... though they are saying that 'maybe' there is going to be 2 days worth of referrals... I am SO close and yep, sick of the 'she will be worth it' comment but then... I do know she will be worth it, I want the time to hurry to get her and slow down when we get our Shauna... so I truly hear what you are saying. I too (when I get busy) think of those I don't get a chance to visit...wondering how everyone is... a funny thing happened yesterday at work - I was walking around and humming a song to myself 'Safe and Sound' by Matthew West - and listening to the words in my head when suddenly I was thinking about Shauna and the thoughts took my breathe away of how much love I have for a child I do not know yet... sorry don't mean to waffle but your post got me thinking and thank you for still remembering little old me over here...
Take care
PS... we just got a 'British section' here at work with Baked Beans, Crunchies, Maltesers, Flakes, Curly Wurlys etc I am in heaven :) Never thought I would be so excited...
I've been reading about your journey with Tiny (ie, lots of Feb and Mar posts) - Desiree at Our Happily Ever After gave me your blog details :)
We're not in the process of adopting but a seed is growing, you could say :)
Quick question - are you in Adelaide? I am :)
What a wonderful post; she is so adorable!
(Yes, we have cut AA's hair, every other month; an inch off last month!)
We don't have as much time either for visiting blogs....
Alyzabeth's Mommy for Ten Months
Love you, Ozimum! I think of you often too! I'm so happy to see that you and all your little ones are doing so great!! Tari's hair HAS grown and she's such a beauty too. Does she ever stop smiling?!
Thanks for the up date. I clicked on you thinking there would be nothing new and VIOLA!! There is your precious family. Tari is too cute for words!
I just love ya!
You are such a treasure and I miss keeping up with the blogs too. But, I have the best excuse ever.
Congrats on those first beautiful 5 months together. What beautiful days are ahead for you all!
Thanks for the beautiful post and the stunning pictures too.
Congrats on 5 wonderful months as a family of 5!! Tari is a beautiful little girl and it's fun to see her playing with her brother and sister!!
Thank you so much for your encouragement as I await Hannah's referral. Not long now!
It was fun to read your list of bloggy friends and think of them and how we've grown to know one another over the years.
Happy 5 months! Congrats!!
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