"Adopting a Child won't change the world; but for that Child the world will change."

Friday 29 July 2011

First Day of Kindy!!!

Here in Australia, the term before your child turns 4, your child can do "pre entry" kindergarten - which is usually one morning or afternoon per week.
...the time has come....
my baby is almost four.... so its time she left from under my wing, with her lunchbox in tow, and go off to kindy with all the other big kids! *tear*
Because Tiny is excruciatingly shy with strangers, I've asked if she can do pre-entry for the last 2 terms of this year, and start full time kindy next year. I prepped the teacher, "please don't think she's rude or defiant if she doesn't look at you when you talk to her, or answer you... she will come round, once she's comfortable in her new environment - oh, and please don't single her out, if she's not doing what you've asked the group to do - she'd be mortified, then hide under a table"
After staying with her for 1/2 an hour, I told her I was going, and I'd be back after snack time to pick her up. To my utter shock, she looked up at me and said "ok"... and that was it. What?!! No, "Mama, Mama?" No tears? What a let down?!!!! When I picked her up, I snuck in without her seeing me, and watched her as she packed up the blocks, singing to herself! Tiny's teacher bee-lined for me, and told me she was great! She did talk to her, a few words, anyway - but there was no hiding, she ate her fruit - she did really really well!!!!
What a relief. I've been dreading this day, all holidays... how will my Tiny cope?!!!
She never ceases to amaze me!


Jenn said...

Loved this post! Our Meili is also shy (in public, anways)and slow to warm up to new things. I hope she does as well as Tiny when she heads to pre-K next month!

I also enjoyed the photos from your trip to the US. Next time, visit DisneyWORLD and we can meet up with you! :)

Briana's Mom said...

I'm so happy she did so well! I cannot believe how big she is getting!

Catherine said...

Already??!!! How did time fly so quickly?

Yay Tiny!! And ((hugs)) for Mom. Today is such a big day for you too!!

Tiny did so well and as you say, they never cease to amaze us! You did a great job preparing her for this day and she took your lead!

Way to to Tiny and Mom!!!

Cristina said...

Well done Mum (and Tiny!!) I will be doing the same thing very soon.... xxx

Lisa~~ said...

Tiny is growing up, way to go!

Jen said...

I'm so glad she did well. What a relief!

Trudi Case and Kim Sondergaard said...

Oh your comments about Tari's first day at pre-kindy made me cry. They seem too young and precious to be going off into the big wide world on their own. Good to hear Tari coped really well.