Well... it's almost a year, since the day we first saw our daughter's face. A YEAR!!! The year, has disappeared in the blink of an eye. So much has happened! Tiny continues to absolutely amaze us! She is talking ALOT more - and we can actually understand what she's saying now! She's even singing the words to some adverts! She loves to draw (on everything... including walls, suede chairs, tables... you get the picture?!!), she adores her older siblings - and here's one I'm not so proud of... she recognises the golden arches!!! Yikes!!!! She gets all excited, in the back of the car, and starts screaming - "CHIP! CHIP!" pointing wildly at the arches!!! Honestly we don't go there that often!!! But, the first thing she ate all by herself (without us feeding her) was a french fry, while we were in China!!! Guess it left a lasting impression?!!! She has a HUGE SWEET TOOTH! She says "lolly" clear as anything... once again... YIKES!!! She still loves shoes (everyone's and anyone's!!), her first word (while still in China) was Shooooz. Ahhh... I may not have given birth to her - but geez louise! This child is most certainly MY DAUGHTER!
Golden Arches, Sweets, and Shoes that girl knows how to live! :o)
I can't believe it's been nine months!!
Such a cutie!!
Doesn't seem like 9 months..
it was yesterday I was watching you in China..
Love ya girly..
My niece is a shoe addict, too. If Tiny is anything like M&M, it will only get worse. Congrats on one year of looking at your gorgeous little gal.
She is growing so fast! What a beauty!!!
I can't believe that much time has passed... amazing. She's getting so big. :)
love the update! my girl has a thing for shoes too, including ALL of mine- but she wears them on her hands (since she crawls and that is her "walk"!)...
Wow, she's grown so much. What a fun collage of your little sweetheart! Love how she adores her siblings. =)
Amazing that 9 months have passed already and even more amazing how much she's grown and changed. Still a little cutie though!
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