OMG! Just come from RQ - she's listed the latest rumour as an R3 (believable, but not 100%) - that C.C.A.A has referred through til 22 JAN!!! Geez! I just about pee'd my pants! I thought if they could get through til the 17th, that'd be awesome! (the SA batch ahead of us was logged in on 17th Jan!) But the 22nd?!!! Holy Cow - that's amazing! If it turns out to be true - we are just 31 days til they hit our file! I'm just so excited!!!
Oooohhh! Aly and Ford... thinking of you! You are so close!
I will admit to being an emotional guy. Its just that I don't cry often. You know, the whole guy thing.
So, I slipped over here to say hi and get excited with you about the R3 for June 22 and then I saw your note to Aly and me. That did it... WE can't thank you enough and now I'll try to beat a hasty retreat to being a manly guy once again.
Do you think I'm nervous or what! Make that January 22 not June. I really was hoping to keep it together better than this. I told you your little note to Aly and I got me all unglued :)
I'm just getting so darn excited!! That would make us 45 days away for us! Not much longer now sistah! =)
Crap, I'm getting nervous too! That would make US 45 days away for US?! I need some coffee.......
I am just GIDDY with excitement. I don't know why I am falling for this good rumor! The early rumors are always very encouraging and they end up being wrong. But because there were no early rumors, I assume this one has to be accurate. I have fallen for it completely. If it's true, I believe that leaves 29 days for us. I can't stand it! WOO HOO!!!!!
Gosh I hope it's true! That is wonderful news!!!
I KNOW!! I immediately thought of you when I read RQ! It's got to be true, and if they keep referring 10 days at a time...it could be about 3 MORE MONTHS!!!!
Are you serious? That is SO great!!!! Hooray CCAA!!!!!
Wow, that's fantastic!!
I pray that this is TRUE!
Pretzelling for you that the 22nd is true!!
Cristina xx
I'm crossing everything- and hoping it's true!!
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