Phew! Its been stinkin' hot here for the past week, and no relief in sight for at least another week. Most days it's been hovering around 38C (100F) and creeping up to 40C+ (104F) next week.
It's a long weekend here, so Sunday & Monday, we're going to places that have a swimming pool! Today, we're going to a friend's place for a bar-be-que, and will be packing the water pistols! I don't mind the hot weather... as long as I have air conditioning!!! We should make the most of it. Now that Autumn is here, it will start to get chilly :(
Ooo! I've got itchy "steering wheel" palms again. Translates to = it's time to get a different car!!! I do looove my Subaru, but when it comes to ferrying children around (including several that don't belong to me!) the car is all a bit small. So... I'm looking for a 7 seater. It's a toss up between these two:
The Hon.da Odys.sey and the Hol.den Cap.tiva Both around the same money. The Odys.sey is more of a people mover and the Cap.tiva, more of a 4wd (or SVU). I'm leaning toward the Odys.sey, because there is more leg room in the rear seats and has a bigger cargo area ~ and gets better fuel economy. Where as the Cap.tiva the back seats fold into the floor (handy if you need the extra cargo space) but when the seats are out, the seats are at the floor level ~ meaning if you have long legs, your knees will be up around your ears!!! And when the back seats are out, there is next to no cargo space. You might get 3 shopping bags in there?!! I'll need to put in a pram, about 30 shopping bags and 2 large school bags.... Maybe I should just invest in a trailer?!! I'm not in a hurry to buy, I'll just keep perusing the market, til I find the right one!
Both Donna and my Son have the Honda, and they both love them. My son has 3 kids and it works great for them. He is also someone who packs the car full when they go traveling and it works well for that. Donna got her's in anticipation of Lauren and I have to say it's very comfortabe... Good luck choosing...Linda
You are having fun in the sun and we are digging out.
Keep smilin!
Come up here, I'll gladly share the snow with you...
oh gal I am so hearing ya on the hot weather! UGH!!!!
Hmm two very nice cars!!! Have you test driven any yet?
How about a Toyota Sienna? The seats fold out of the way. Just a thought.
Just so you know, we have blizzard conditions here in Ohio. I'll trade you for a day. Just one day....that's all I need to rejuvinate me and get me to spring.
Come on over...
It's 27F and snowing! We won't even light a fire if your don't want! :)
Ryan and I have been looking into a new car. I really like the Odyssey. We aren't in any hurry, but with gas prices the way the are we need something a little more fuel efficient. The Honda are all better than what we have righ now.
Stay Cool! Enjoy your weekend!
I can't imagine hot weather right now. Not in the middle of this blizzard.
I like the second one. It's sexy. But the mini-van is probably way more practical.
I wouldn't mind a little heat, here. You sent so many nice things, how about the sun? ;-)
(Please read without any sympathy)Ohhhhh, you poor baby with your hot weather!! My husband has itchy steering wheel palms too. I just told him to look at some Honda's this morning!
Enjoy those last days of summer, I can't wait for them to return.
Half the Moms I know have the Honda and all love it. Good luck with whatever choice you make.
Good luck choosing a new ride.
I SO cannot relate to the hot temps. If I had better aim, I'd lob a snowball at ya ;0)
Whoa, the heat! How's the humidity? That's what kills us in Florida.
The couple of folks I know that own the Honda absolutely love it.
I'm a Toyota Sienna girl myself. Love it!
Join the Odyssey club OziMum!! The are FAB and so very versatile. Just don't do as I did and run it into a rather large and unforgiving wall outside DH's work (trying to avoid hitting his precious Golf GTi)
Cristina xx
I say go for the Holden... can't go wrong with that and then you can say... "The Kingswood! You're not taking the Kingswood!..." - "I've just ducoed the tyres"... come on... you gotta remember 'Kingswood Country'... 'Pickle Me Grandmother'... hahaha... thanks for the trip down memory lane with your picture of the Holden... lol
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