What's been goin on at my place?
Well we're still on school holidays, the kidlets go back to school on 29th Jan. I've had to work full-time for 2 weeks... which SUCKS. The poor kids have to come to work with me most days, and bring some games or colouring in. I had H-Man standing next to me nagging for a drink, when a client came in. You'd think the fact that I was ignoring H-Man and talking to the client, would have given the idea to zip it, and wait... ooohhh nooo, he just kept on nagging. Gotta love that?! The kids had been in Vac-Care for 2 days, but H-Man informs me that he doesn't like going there. And they spent a day at their cousins house, in their swimming pool. So the kids haven't faired too badly, although I hate not doing stuff with them. Anyway - it's my last day today - WOOHOO! Then we're off to a beach house for a few days next week. No internet there... hopefully the shakes won't be too bad?!!
Well we're still on school holidays, the kidlets go back to school on 29th Jan. I've had to work full-time for 2 weeks... which SUCKS. The poor kids have to come to work with me most days, and bring some games or colouring in. I had H-Man standing next to me nagging for a drink, when a client came in. You'd think the fact that I was ignoring H-Man and talking to the client, would have given the idea to zip it, and wait... ooohhh nooo, he just kept on nagging. Gotta love that?! The kids had been in Vac-Care for 2 days, but H-Man informs me that he doesn't like going there. And they spent a day at their cousins house, in their swimming pool. So the kids haven't faired too badly, although I hate not doing stuff with them. Anyway - it's my last day today - WOOHOO! Then we're off to a beach house for a few days next week. No internet there... hopefully the shakes won't be too bad?!!
Our neighbours bought a 6 week old Border Collie (this isn't a pic of her). They named her Harlequin, but call her Harley! She is so cute! She has an all white face, and blueish eyes! But the poor baby whines constantly and is sending Chewy mad! Poor Chewy whines along with her and keeps trying to jump our 6" fence. She was only vaccinated yesterday, so they said Chewy can't come for a visit for 2 weeks. She's going to be an outside dog, and where she sleeps/sits is near the back of our house, where Miss M's bedroom is and our laundry, where Chewy sleeps. Poor Miss M has missed a bit of sleep, listening to both the dogs crying!
Well, I'd better go... it's after 9, and I should actually be at work by now! Its good being married to the Boss! (cept when he makes me work!)

Well, I'd better go... it's after 9, and I should actually be at work by now! Its good being married to the Boss! (cept when he makes me work!)
Sorry you have had to work! Blah!
Check out my blog! I picked you for something! :)
Bummer about working but the beach house getaway sounds divine! I couldn't have an outdoor dog...wouldn't they be awfully lonely out there? Poor Chewy, Harley and Miss M!
Beach house sounds heavenly! Enjoy!
Keep smilin!
That doggy is ADORABLE!!!!!!!
Beach house? Sigh. Wanna trade homes for awhile?
I have a border collie. I'll never have another breed. Love them!
Enjoy the beach house!
Have fun at the beach house!
I will second that about the border collies! We have 2 a black white & red & white!
They are the only breed for us!
Oh leanne i forgot you wanted to know if we did a travel group we have check our blog for details.
Cant wait to see you there!
Have a lovely break
Our Blog
That doglet is adorable!
Beach house...yummy.
Working...not so yummy.
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