This News Report has got us a little concerned about our up and coming trip!

On a friendlier note: I caught up with a fellow adopting Mum today, who is not only a wealth of information & BTDT ~ she's one of the most creative people I've ever met! Far out, the quilts, the scrapbooks, the bows and other clothes!!! Absolutely amazing. AND I've met another Mum who is just as passionate about shopping as me!!! Who ever thought, that would happen?!! It was quite funny, going through the Gymb.oree purchases... we nearly have all the same gear!!!
So a BIG THANK YOU! (I know you're reading hehehe!!!) I so appreciated you sharing with me, today. I hope your wait-time passes quickly!!!
I can't believe we are under 50 Logged In days now! I do have tingles of anticipation ~ and I know we still have a while to wait yet! I'm just SO happy CC.AA are finally allocating 2006 files!
Eeek! Not applicable to you and you will have a wonderful trip.
Have fun with your new buddies!
Keep smilin!
oh my ,on the news article.
Oh man that story is awful- but lightning won't strike twice :)
Yea to 2006 indeed!!
That news article was scary.
Under 50....How cool is THAT!!! It's happening baby!!!
SOunds like you had a nice time with your friend.
And you are getting SO close! you must be excited!!!!!
Scary story, but SOOO glad we are in 2006 referrals
Ooo that guy was nutters!
Less than 50 is amazing!! Now, what am I going to get for Mini if she already owns ALL of Gymb.oree??!
Sweets, I have every belief that all will be fine on your trip!
Lovin' that we are closing in on the numbers!
Wow! That's horrible!
Your trip will be fantastic, I'm certain.
hmmm a bit of a worry....
Sad thing is this day and age that it can happen anywhere?!?!
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