"Adopting a Child won't change the world; but for that Child the world will change."
Monday, 29 December 2008
Our Daughter's Name
One night at a BBQ at a friend's place, we were discussing names, and she had a long list of names. (literally, a list!) Apparently, Mr T looked over my shoulder and glanced through the list and saw Tari. He whispered in my ear, "I like Tari". I said "Yeah, thats nice"... but didn't really think too much more about it.
At the Hotel we stay at in Bali, their "Spa / Treatment" Area is called "Tari Spa". Tari in Balinese means dance. I searched the baby name sites, and also found it is a Hebrew name, meaning "fresh". I told Mr T, he said "That's her name, then. She's having a "fresh" start with us!". I liked it. Later, I put Tari into a Chinese Translation site - it came up that it is a phrase. The words Ta and Ri together mean "Another Day". That just sealed the deal for me! I think its perfect. She was born on Another Day, in Another Place... but very soon we'll be a family.
Mei means Charming, Attractive, Flatter... I'm pretty bias... but gosh, she is so darn beautiful!
I thought I'd better start using her Psuedo on my blog - I'm paranoid about googlers!!! I've decided to change her Psuedo too!!! From Mini - to TINY!! :)
**EDIT: Sorry!! Didn't tell you how to pronounce it!!! Tari is pronounced ~ Tah-ree; And Mei is pronounced May**
Thursday, 25 December 2008
Merry Christmas ~ 2008!

Wishing you JOY and happiness
And every dream fulfilled.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
So what happened?!!
I'll start with Sunday. On Sunday, my parents arrived from interstate to stay with us for 3 weeks. One their way down, they had a call from the nursing home, Grandma was very ill and in alot of pain, they wanted to take her to hospital. She's got a septic infection, but they don't know where its coming from. Its not expected that she'll last the night, but she does. My Grandma is the strongest woman in the world!
Monday morning we got an email, from a batch member, that had contacted our agency, asking for news, as they were going on holidays on Tuesday. They were told "No files".
I went to a Christmas lunch, with some family, for a work do. My brother, came to pick up the kids, to take them to the museum... my brother has NEVER had our kids before!!! My parents were home and Mr T happened to call in home, as well... he's NEVER home early!! My bro called around 430 and asked if I could pick them up from the city, which was fine, as I wasn't far away. So I picked up the kids, and as I pulled into the driveway, I could see a note, flapping on the door. I was a bit confused, as everyone's cars were there, I wasn't sure why they'd put a note on the door. The note read:
"I love you Mummy. Come and see my photo at 2pm tomorrow. Love ???"
(just typing that has made me cry again!)
I was very confused. But as I unlocked the door to walk in, all the clues fell into place. Mr T had jumped up out of chair as I came in, I blurted out "DID THEY RING?!!" (and think I was crying before I'd finished the sentence!) He yelled "YES!!!" I just clung to my darling husband and wept like a baby!!! Oh.my.goodness. The floodgates of utter relief were opened.
Mr T, being the man that his is, did not ask any questions about the baby... just wrote down the time. You know what? I didn't care... our file was not lost!!!!
I woke up at about 330am on 23 Dec. I lay there wide awake, thinking, for about an hour and finally got up at about 430am. I had a chiro appt in the morning. Went home, made lunch for my folks and kids, and we watched a DVD. At about 110pm, we get a phone call. Grandma has passed away. I needed to go, as I had to pick up Mr T from work before going into the City. I can't stop thinking about Grandma. We arrive for our 2pm appt. We see another couple from our batch, they'd just had their interview. Hugs all round. In our interview, the first thing our (male) co-cordinator says is "So, how's your day". Mr T, looks at me and says "We just found out L's Grandma has passed away". Poor guy. He didn't know what to do!!! "OK, this is what your here for" - and he slaps our daughter on the table! I was just mesmerised! I didn't cry!!! I tried to explain it to Mr T, later - but it was like I know her, or I've seen her before. The weirdest feeling!!! So we finished our interview, we went home... and the rest is history!
Pre-baby, there were a couple of things, I thought would be nice.
1. That our baby had hair
2. That we had a young baby
You know what... when you see your baby. Nothing matters. Because your baby is hand picked just for you. I can't tell you enough, just how perfect she is.
As the saying goes "As one life ends, another begins"... truer words have never been spoken.
Rest in Peace, Grandma. Your newest Great-Granddaughter is perfect.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Dreams DO come true...
Monday, 22 December 2008
I had to apologise to my poor mother, who was trying to give me some "Godly" encouragement, and I totally shot her down, screamed and did the "ugly" cry, over the phone!!! I later said to Mum... "When I'm that upset... pleeeease for everyone's sake... just agree that they're all sh!theads!!!" I've been a Christian for a veeeery long time. I know that God loves me, and wants the best for me! But hearing about "God's will" in a time of anguish certainly isn't going to settle my emotions!!!
Anyway, I did manage to laugh on the weekend, and have some good times with good friends. My folks arrived from interstate yesterday, to stay for 3 weeks. And my younger bro announced his engagement! Unfortunately, late yesterday afternoon, we heard that Grandma was rushed to hospital. The Dr didn't think Grandma would make it through the night, but we never got a call, so it appears she's still with us. I adore my Grandma. But its been heartbreaking see her quick and steady decline over the last 6 weeks. We found out last week, that not only has her Alzheimers advanced, but she'd had a minor stroke and has leukemia, as well. I saw her Friday; I'm not even really sure she knew who I was. She'd lost the capacity to speak.
I can only say, it's been one of the most emotional weeks of my life. So to finish, I'll leave you with a line from my favourite Chumbawumba song
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Murphys Law
Well, it has struck once again... with the "non-arrival" of our allocations. No one knows anything. We've had 2 "just be paitent, it'll all be fine" emails, coming from our agency. And sentences like "we have to respect the country that has opened their doors to adoption, and wait til they contact us".
Don't give me pity, and don't you dare say "it'll all happen at the right time or in God's time etc etc"... I don't blame God, I don't doubt His power... I blame incompetent people.
So, don't bother checking back to see "the joy of our lives", as I doubt we'll be seeing or hearing anything til well within the new year.... that is if they ever find our file (which cc^^ has reassured our agency, it has not lost)
Friday, 19 December 2008
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Hi This is RocĂo from Spain. I dont know if I can help you or not but what i do know is that in Spain many families are frustating like you. The reason is that it has been a mistake in the addreses of the referals. English referals went to Spain and Spanish referals to England. what did they do with them? England and Spain sent them back to ¨China. Now families ( not all of them only some) are still waiting to get the referals. Sorry for my english.
Maybe our file went to Spain too?!! I've never been to Spain... now I can say I've been to Spain, on paper?!!!
Ahhh... I crack myself up.... if I don't laugh, I'm going to friggin' weep.
**EDIT AT 646PM** No News. You're all very sweet! And there was definitely a resounding "What's your agency saying"... well here in Australia, our Govt Agency has "protocol" that prevents them from even telling if the files are here (apparently!) Drives us all crazy, but I've emailed, and I get the same answer "We'll ring, approx 24 hours after your file is translated and Govt Approved". So - after a busy work day today - I've decided that we've all been couped up in the house, waiting for a telephone call, long enough - and we'll either hit the beach, or the pool tomorrow! Yay!! I'm sorry... our life has been put on hold, long enough... I'm taking my kids out for some FUN!!
If you're not following Shannon in China... you should!!! Ellie is such a honey!!
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
Sing it Guy!
*EDIT:* Well... it's 4:44pm... I think we can safely assume, we will not be hearing anything today. I'm completely bummed. WHAT IS TAKING SO FLIPPIN LONG?!!! It's the friggin 15th for pete sake!!! I've now starting having horrible thoughts, that they got our LID wrong, and we WON'T be seeing Mini before Christmas? I'm sure our family and friends think we're complete dipsticks. First I told them, we'd know the first week of the month. Nope. No-one heard anything til about 10th of Dec. So then I'm telling people, late in the week - or early the following week... still nothing. I swear, its the whole uncertainity that is making me feel ill.... I just wish we SOME information? Tasmania has received their allocations... as far as I know New South Wales is still waiting, like us. Could our LID be wrong?
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Jen, and I have been emailing each other, like mad things the last couple of weeks!!! It was so frustrating how long it took for the allocations to actually arrive!
I thank God for my 11yr old daughter... who manages to give ME a reality check!!! I told her about my email from our Agency, saying it will be next week... I was all sad, coz it's ANOTHER WEEK!!! Miss M says "ITS NEXT WEEK!!! IT'S REALLY HAPPENING, NEXT WEEK!!!"
Glass half full?!!
In my spare time today, I whipped up our "Corporate" Christmas card... and decided to do a family one too! There's a spare elf... just picture that one with a beautiful asian face!
....Hopefully we'll hear something Mon... or Tues?
Friday, 12 December 2008
News without being News!!

Thursday, 11 December 2008
No news... don't get too excited!!!
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
I swear, I've never gone through so many different emotions in one day!
This link, says that CCa@ have actually changed their box to the 23rd Feb?
I truly feel sick! Is that normal?!! I guess it is for me... I have been known to lose my lunch in awe of greatness?!!!
Thank you so much for the emails of Congratulations (already!!)... but remember, IF they got our LID correct, our Agency still won't ring us for about a week after most of the US folks get their allocations... so no hounding me, OK?!! TRUST ME... YOU WILL KNOW WHEN I KNOW!!!
Moving right along from the chuck bucket, to the friendship bouquet. My dear dear friend - my heart is crushed for you. For goodness sake - didn't the "powers that be" in China, know, that we had a date in China?!! This process will send you "quackers" if you're not careful! (((HUGE HUGS))) to you ~ I'm thinking of you.
YAY! I have done absolutely everyone! I will buy a couple of boxes of chocolates to stash in the cupboard, just in case I forgot someone... but otherwise, I'm DONE!
The being DONE thing... kinda goes for alot going on in my life right now. "I'm sooo OVER IT"! Is every second sentence!!!
I detest being grumpy, mad and frustrated. It's not me... but unfortunately, its pretty much what's being going on for the last month or so. To make matters worse, this is sposed to be one of the most exciting and happiest times of my life!!! Circumstances are just so overwhelming at the moment.
These are for ME ~ but I thought I'd share, coz I'm sure there are plenty of others, who feel they have lost their joy.
**Romans 12:12
"rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer"
**Psalm 27:14
"Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!"
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Busy Schedule
First - It appears CCA@ will allocate up til 23 Feb 2006.... which means we're in! Still not convinced til I get that call... last month the rumours were sposed to bring about a 20th Feb cut off... that didn't happen, and it wasn't confirmed til about 2 days after people received their allocations.
Secondly - Apparently, its been confirmed by several US agencies that as of 1st Jan 2009, the orphanage donation will increase from US$3,000 to CNY35,000 which = AUS$7,735
I can't tell you how p!ssed off I am. How can they do that? Jack the donation up by over US$2,000 and we're sposed to come up with that in a month?!!! I know we can do it. We will beg borrow and steal to get it... but it's beside the point. SURELY, it would be a friggin' courtesy to give families at least 12 months notice on such a huge increase? It's almost double what it was before.
I need a friggin stiff drink, let me tell ya!
Where's that coffee.
The kids finish school, for the year on Thurs, then we have 6 weeks of blissful holidays! Yay!
**EDIT: I've just come home from the kid's "Presentation Night". Each child is awarded a Character Trait Certificate. I just love this night. I love to see, what our teachers have seen in our children all year.
Miss M received "Ingenuity" ~ Inventive talent for making and doing things; lateral thinking.
H-Man recieved "Sincerity" ~ The quality or state of being sincere; honest of mind; free from hypocrisy. Honest unaffectedness, lack of pretension.
(Oh yeah, and my son is DEFINITELY MY son. He puked about 2 mins. before he went up to receive his certificate. That's my boy!!!)**
A short message to Mr Stork:
Saturday, 6 December 2008




PS. Thanks for all the offers of "naked serranades"... captured on film, to boot! ....but, uh, I hope you don't mind... but you can keep your naked videos to yourself!!! If we're not in... you can all donate $10 to Kris's w.ii or - half the sky! Yeah, I'm a cow - you'll all be suffering because they got through a pathetic amount of files PLUS your hip pocket will hurt too!!! ;)
Friday, 5 December 2008
First up, I did email my agency yesterday, begging for a call when the files arrive, and did get a response - it's not going to happen! Our agency is very thorough - and our file must be approved by the agency first, before they ring us... otherwise its not "ethical". I was a bit bummed... but hey, what can you do?
Here's our process:
* Send in an "expression of interest" - basically noting preferences for child's sex, age & country
*Go to an information session
* Go to a weekend "educational" - get all learned up on racism, different countries, prodecures
* Do homestudy - they like to do it over 3 visits - ours did it in one, thank the Lord, as she didn't write our report for 3 months
* Do police checks, medicals and financial reports from accountant
* Put file together - include photos and other official paperwork
* Submit file, file then goes before a review board, to be approved and registered with our Govt
* File is sent to China, once there are at least 4 family files
* Wait. No ringing agency, no ringing China. Just wait.
* Registration last for 3 years - so its highly likely you'll need to re-register. (re-do police checks, medicals and update finances)
* Finally, after several years of waiting, you'll get a phonecall! (that is, as long as you're not in the old folks home yet!!!) The phone call comes, once the file has been translated and approved.
* Make appointment to go into agency to go through file
* Hold file for 48 hours before agency will accept decision
* Acceptance, or non-acceptance is sent straight back to China
* Agency contacts Australian Consulate, makes appointment - then all other travel arrangements work 2 weeks forward from that date
* Book flights, and all other arrangements are made by a Travel Service in China
.... live happily ever after!!
Yes, I stopped after "get child!" There is more official stuff after that... but who cares - you have the child, right?!!!
So, in light of our procedures - I'm guess-timating that the files will arrive either today (Fri) or Mon-Tues, next week. I'm thinking we'll get a phone call next Friday? The kids will be off school then, and I was just thinking - how exciting it will be that we'll be all together as a family when we see our Mini. (once US referrals start rolling in, I think we'll be approx. a week after that)
Of course... all this is purely speculation - we don't know when the cut-off is. I'm assuming. (Mr T always tells me, not to assume... it makes an ASS outta U and ME!!!)
I hope I'm not an ass.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
I think I'm gonna pee my pants!!!
According to a North American agency, the 23rd is in.
It is not clear at this point whether they are just saying their people with LID’s of the 23rd are included and farther out dates may be included but they wouldn’t know about that since they only have information pertaining to their clients… or whether the actual cut off is the 23rd.
At this point I’ll give it a high R3 that the 23rd is included, but I’m not making a statement about the cut off just yet.
I think I'm gonna puke! No wait, I'm gonna pass out! No! I don't know what I'm gonna do!!! For those of you, who are only just visiting for the first time... our LOG IN DATE IS 22 FEB 2006!!!
The Blond!e song "Call Me" was on the radio this morning... I think it was a sign?!!!
OH.MY.GOD!! (I'm sorry... the shock is still settling in!) ARE WE IN? AFTER FOUR LOOOONG YEARS?
(just had to add another!)
This is an atrocious post, isn't it? I feel like a cat on speed!!!
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Santa delivers... early!

And because there's no show without Punch (or this case, Chewy!)...
Monday, 1 December 2008
Can't sleep
Whilst riding my caffeine high, all I can think about is that little asian face... in our file. I envisage the file, flying across the sea, and into our Agency. I see, the Co-ordinator opening the file, and looking at the little face, and reading the information. He picks up the phone, and dials my number. I pick up the phone, not knowing who the unidentified caller is. I squeal when he announces who it is! He tells me, our file is in. I can't breath. I blurt out, "is it a girl?" He says "yes, but you must come in to see the file!". Feeling like I'm going to chuck (**Great Wall revisited!**), I fumble to ring Mr T. He is emotional. We ring our parents ~ more emotion! Two hours later, we sit opposite our co-ordinator, who with a grin from ear-to-ear, opens our file infront of us. For the first time, our eyes set upon the face of our daughter. My face screws up, in that contorted, ugly way, that it does, when I'm trying not to cry. She is our daughter.
That's where my day-dreaming (at night!) is up too! I don't have a clue what is going to happen... or when, for that matter. A friend thinks files won't be out for another week. I hope it is sooner - but I think I've prepared my heart for next month, anyway. For all the March (and after!) people... I certainly hope that's not the case - coz the longer it is for me; the longer it is for you.