The kids had their School concert last night, it was on Jesus' life. From birth til ascension. It was really good. I love hearing the whole school sing. They sound amazing. Miss M didn't get a solo part, but did get an echo... which was really a solo part, coz she did it on her own, and you could pick her voice! She also got to read a scripture, which she'd memorized - I thought she was amazing, not only memorizing quite a long scripture, but remembering it infront of all those people!!! Miss M was dressed in "Jesus day" clothes, Mr T asked if she was Mary, she said "no, just a Jew"! The way she said it was funny!! H-man, wore his black pants and had to wear his sports day teeshirt. It annoyed me, that in their item, they were in lines... so you could see the person in front, but that was it!!! But H-man, will not conform and jumped out of the line a few times to wiggle his hips and boogie!!! He also finished by throwing himself down onto his knees, with his fingers up like guns!!! (note: this was not an official part of the performance... H-man likes to adlib... much to his teachers horror!)
The weather has really been heating up here, this week. Yesterday it was 36 degreesC! (close to 100F!) And the heat seems to bring out all kinds of horrible bugs! Chewy was barking like a mad-dog the other night... here's what he was barking at! It doesn't look big, in this photo - but it was a BIG spider!!
The warm weather has also brought out a million ants! Grrrr. I HATE ants! They got into my food cupboards - they were everywhere! Ant-Rid is wonderful. 2 days after I squirt a bit of this gear out, for them to eat (that's what they're gathered around, in the photo below) - I haven't seen anymore ants! (And NO! The movie Bugs Life hasn't made me feel sorry for the little buggas one little bit!!!)
I forgot! I was in T@rget getting Miss M's Christmas pressie and just happened to see these gorgeous little shoes! For the bargain price of $6.86!! LOVE em!
Congrats to Miss M!! Sounds like she did an AMAZING job!! H-Man too!! ;o)
Glad you have the bugs WAY down there. That big one - Ewwwwwww!!!!
Okay ~ Google Reader says you have a Recipe Exchange post. Now it's gone or I've lost my mind. Hmmmmm...
I'll check back later. :o)
Isnt end of year school concerts FUN!!! I giggled at the just a jew comment!! LOL!!!
I so so so so hate BUGS all of them!! We only just has our house sprayed and then had to go around a few days later and pick up ALL the dead bugs gave me the hibby jibbys!
Have you ever tried Terro for the ants? I only ask because they die in the nest (so you don't have to clean them up). I'm a big fan of anything that lowers the grossness quotient for me.
H-Man sounds like a crack up! Good job, Miss M :0)
It sounds so funny to me that it is hot. Just entering the dark and dreary winter here.
Keep da bugs...ack.
If you are allocated a boy, well, just think of the dance routines your little guy will be able to do in those shoes! :0)
That is one gross spider! My DH was in Adelaide early this week and said it was stinking hot. He is heading back on Sunday as his Dad is in Wakefield St Hospital, having a double bypass op on Monday morning. He managed to go and have him a great big ol heart attack whilst on holiday...
Cristina xxx
PS - very cute shoes!
Those shoes are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
And those ants. Ugh.
Sounds like fun ...
Sorry about the ants.. yuck..
And those shoes are toooooo CUTE..
Have a Great Weekend..
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