"Adopting a Child won't change the world; but for that Child the world will change."

Thursday, 2 October 2008


Yep. 3:07AM! And I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed. It appears, I'm to get NO sleep tonight.

My brain feels like one of those "whizzy" rides at the playground... I'm just waiting to come flying off it, and fall face down in the dirt!!! (that'll probably happen at about 6am... when I'm sposed to be getting up!)

What's on my mind? I'm glad you asked... here's some verbal diahorrea for ya!

*House plans* Hubs has given me a "talking to" about our "new house" budget. It appears that even before we've signed on the dotted line, the back end of the budget has been completely blown out! So, until 2am this morning, I was pouring over house plans - trying to find the best value for money. I'm pretty proud of myself - it looks like we'll have a mortgage of $8k!! WooHoo! Brownie points for me!!! And if I want a few fancy things (including a pool) - our mortgage will be $50k! I still think that's worth a Woo.Hoo.! Of course... we still need to sell our "current" house... hence financing the building of the new house.

*Associated House stuff* Once establishing my "best buy", I lay in bed pondering floor coverings and whether "timber venetian blinds" will be better than "vertical blinds"... verticals are in front at the moment. (I have timber venetians now, love them, but they've faded/warped to buggery).

*Mini* Yes, a night laying awake, wouldn't be complete without wondering about Mini. Here's what I've deduced... we will be allocated in Dec. Meaning a late Jan travel. Crap. Isn't Chinese New Year about then? Not to mention our Govt Agency workers will all be on Christmas leave etc (as matter of fact our Ch!na Co-ordinator's contract runs out in Jan... just super.) I had to get up out of bed, and go check when Chinese New Year 2009 will be. Great. January 26th. *let out sarcastic chuckle* That's Australia Day!!! (also Lilly's birthday! Hi Lilly!) Geez.... could it get anymore complicated? Now, I'm all stressed that Ch!na, and our Agency will make us wait til AFTER CNY to travel. Poo. I don't wanna go in Feb!!! It's really really cold there in Feb!!! I guess 2 weeks, would've really make a difference in how cold it will be? BUT... if we did travel MID JAN... we could be there for CNY - OMG! Wouldn't that be spectacular?!! My Mum (who is looking after our kidlets, at home, whilst we're away) is sposed to be running a conference... you guessed it.... late Jan!!! Arrgggh. Oh yeah! It's also Year of the Ox, in 2009... I'm an Ox! (well, I like to refer to myself as a "cow"... Ox sounds so masculine!)

*Bali* Did I tell you I've booked a family holiday to Bali, for late March 2009? Well guess what dawned on me the other day... it's the exact same time frame, that we went, when I got Dengue Fever (and nearly died - sorry, had to add that for some drama). Arrrgggh! I've told Mr T - if I get sick again - it WILL BE the last time I'm going. I love Bali - but won't be dying there!!!

I think I'm getting a stomach ulcer! No wait... I think I need a snack.

Its 3:21... still not tired... just hungry.

Why are the birds singing already? Its 3:22?!!!

Car update: All good.


C's Mom said...

Cracks me up - we have the same poll!

Hey, I want your mortgage. I'll even take double your mortgage if you take mine ;0)

China can tell my arse to swim there and walk through a blizzard. I'm in...whenever....asap :0)

Yeah, I suspect we'll both be Dec. But you still may make Nov...maybe, maybe.

Unknown said...

This is definitely one of my favorite blogs to read.

Hoping the best for you!!!

Rachel said...

Okay girl! I voted February 22nd because we are going to think POSITIVE thoughts here. (I will admit though that you sound as bad as I did!)

I will start praying real hard for you. House to sell & Mini's referral coming in the next batch.

Positive energy
Positive energy
Positive energy

Ava's family said...

You crack me up! I can't seem to turn off my brain at night either....It seems I CAN turn it off easier during the day! I can't remember if I'm coming or going half the time!! =)

P.S. I also want to trade my mortgage with yours!!
P.S.S AND go to Bali!
P.S.S.S. AND get my referral in December!!
P.S.S.S.S. AND build a new house!! =)

Elisa...life as we know it. said...

That's a lot of stuff on your mind!
BTW I voted for the 22nd.

Briana's Mom said...

I wouldn't be able to sleep either with everything you have going on! Soooo exciting!!!

Cristina said...

Wondered why you left a comment on my blog at some hideously early hour!! I know exactly how you feel - I was the same way pre referral, and pre travel. NTT's seem to be coming very quickly after referrals at the moment, so you may well get to travel after CNY. Better still, lets hope for a November referral and all your problems are solved!!
Cristina xxx

Middle-Aged Moi said...

So what if it's cold! You have to toughen up, my Aussie girlfriend. You should come and stay with me in Canada for a week or so in December. Yeah....that's a REALLY good idea. Then you'll be ready for February!!!!! :-)